
GZR-500/700/900/1100/1300 热封切制袋机

  • 公司名称江阴市北国包装设备有限公司
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  • 更新时间2022/10/18 11:54:22
  • 访问次数130

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二十八年的风雨坎坷,二十八年的奋斗与创新,我们走过了一条艰难的路,希望的路。从电控设备厂发展到现在的北国包装设备有限公司,面对新世纪、新经济、新挑战,我们依然任重而道远。在此,特别感谢公司每一位员工的勤勉与创新,更感谢各界有识之士对我们*以来的关心、关注与支持。 江阴市北国包装设备有限公司座落于长江三角洲腹地,东距上海港140KM,南临沪宁高速公路,西临锡澄高速公路,北接江阴长江大桥,距沿江高速公路出口仅3KM,地理位置优越,景色秀丽,经济发达。 公司秉承“追求,勇于创新”的理念,专业生产各类软包装系列设备,包括吹膜机、制袋机、分切机、折边机、包绕机、切片机等。产品质量达到*水平,市场覆盖全国大部分地区,并已出口到泰国、马来西亚、印尼等东南亚国家,埃及、科威特等中东地区,俄罗斯及非洲国家,成为国家产业升级的一支新生力量。 。 知识经济的今天,制造业不再是单纯、传统意义上追求功能的满足,而是一门综合艺术,充满着创新与激情。我们将以的品质,贴心的服务,专业的团队与您创造我们共有的光荣与梦想。 With 28 year's ups and downs, 28 years struggle and innovation, we walk through a difficult, developing, and hopeful way. From a small electric control equipment factory to present packing equipment company under the development, we still have to do a lot facing the new century, new economy, and new challenge. Thanks for eamest work and innovation of each the company's employee, and thanks for the concern and care of the public to us for time. Jiangyin beiguo packing equipment Co Ltd is located on interior region of Yangtze River's delta, the east is 140 kilometers far from Shanghai, the south is close to Hu-ning highway, the west face to Xi-cheng highway, the north connects Jiangyin Yangtze Rive bridge, and be only 3 kilometers far from the Zhangjiagang outlet of the Yanjiang highway. Our position is superior, the landscape is beautiful, and the economy is very flourishing. With the principle of “Pursue eminence, innovation success-sively”, we professionally produce of equipment of soft packing. Film blowing machine etc. With leading quality in domestic market, edge-folding machine etc. With leading quality in domestic market, the products are sale to most parts of China, and have already been exported to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, Kuwait, Russia and African nations, we have become a branch of power for national industrial upgrading. With the knowledge-based economy, the manufacturing industry is not a traditional meaning any more which pursues the contented function, but a comprehensive art, with fills with innovation and intense emotion. We will go with you with outstanding quality, nice service, and our professional team to create common honor and dream.
GZR-500/700/900/1100/1300 热封切制袋机
GZR-500/700/900/1100/1300 热封切制袋机 产品信息

 用 途:

 The main production of BOPP, LDPE bags, such as garment bags, stationery bags, socks bags, etc.



 1.Servo motor, stepper motor (optional)
 2.PLC,man-machine interface control, SCM, LCD screen operation (optional)
 3.Frequency Control
 4.Electro-optical tracking fixed-length
 5.Automatic punching device (mold included)
 6.Automatic correction discharge general discharge (optional)
 7.Automatically on the tape

 Main Technical Parameters

 1.电  源:三相四线制 50Hz 380V/220V

 1.Voltage:三相四线制 50Hz 380V/220V
 3.Length of making bag:50-450/650/850/1050/1250
 4.Width of making bag:50-850mm
 5.Feeding speed:30-150次/min





