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MC Grating 光栅设计软件

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更新时间:2022-10-15 09:52:56浏览次数:124次

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MC Grating 光栅设计软件

MC Grating software is a solution of the diffraction grating analysis and design problems for multilayer periodic 1D and 2D grating structures: 
• Multilayer grating filters and mirrors. 
• Integrated optics grating couplers. 
• Biochemistry sensing chips. 
• Wire grid polarizes. 
• General multilayer structures.


MC Grating Features:

●The MC Grating software is developed for diffraction grating design and grating analysis.

● The Modal methods software includes True Modes Method (TMM) and Fourier Modes Method (FMM) also known as RCWA. This software is intended for diffraction gratings design and gratings analysis of a rectangular gratings profile and includes three independent codes: 
    •The collinear modal methods code deals with a multilayer grating structure and when incidence wave vector belongs to the XZ plane normal to the structure and grating grooves. 
    •The conical modal methods code extends the possibilities of the collinear code to a conical mount, i.e. for any incident angles and any polarization. This code accepts files saved by the collinear code but it is about eight times slowly. 
    •The crossed grating code (FMM) deals with a multilayer 2D grating structure in the conical mounting.

● The C-method software includes classic and extended methods. This software is intended for diffraction gratings design and grating analysis of a smooth grating profile and includes three independent codes: 
    •The collinear C-methods code deals with a multilayer grating structure when incidence wave vector belongs to the XZ plane normal to the structure and grating grooves. 
    • The conical C-methods code extends the possibilities of the collinear code to a conical mount, i.e. for any incident angles and any polarization. This code accepts files saved by the collinear code but it is about eight times slowly. 
    •The crossed grating C-methods code deals with a multilayer 2D grating structure in the conical mounting.

● The codes calculate the interaction of a plane electromagnetic wave with the multilayer corrugated structure providing the efficiencies (complex amplitude and power) of all reflected and transmitted diffraction waves.

● A field distribution and power flow in the multilayer structure and ambient media.

●  A waveguide resonances search (1D codes).

●  Reflection and transmission analysis of a finite Gauss beam (1D codes).

● A powerful optimization in multidimensional space for sophisticated criterion function.

●  General and 3D graphics for 1D and 2D scanning results presentation.

●  A refractive index materials catalog.

● Fully functional demo tools available for download (see download page). A single restriction is on refractive indexes: they are multiple to 0.5.

Examples of program work results:

Waveguide grating resonance analysis:


The electric field module distribution under resonance coupling into a diffraction grating structure waveguide mode (incident angle is close to 45 degrees).

Analysis of a finite beam incidence:

The square module field distribution of a reflected (red) and transmitted (blue) Gaussian beam under the resonance conditions of previous example (black is incident beam).

Normal incidence field analysis:

The electric field module distribution under resonance coupling into a diffraction grating structure waveguide mode in +-1 diffraction orders simultaneously (normal incidence).


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